Homeowners insurance is a necessary component of home ownership.  In fact, some insurance is actually required by law and some is required by the mortgage company.  So with that being said, why not be as informed as possible and try to keep as much of your money where it belongs; in your pocket.

One of the goals of the Barb Bottitta Team of Lehigh Valley Home Experts is to make the process of buying a home as easy as possible, so we thought we’d give you a few tips to help you save money when buying homeowners insurance.

1. The first piece of advice we have is to do your homework first.  Before you worry about the coverage and what it costs, decide who you want to work with.  A good relationship can make a difference in how happy you are with your policy.

2. One way of getting a lower premium is to choose a higher deductible.  Generally speaking, the higher the deductible, the lower the rate.

3. Instead of having your home owners insurance with one company and your auto and life insurance with two other companies, try to combine all of your insurance policies to one place, as you will typically receive greater discounts.

4. Consider your insurance requirements when you are purchasing a home, as many different factors will go into deciding how much you will pay for your premium.  A new home, for instance, will likely cost less to insure than an older home as well as a home whose structure is in good condition.

5. Installing a security system will give you a discount.

6. Always review your policy and ask about anything you’re unsure of.

What tips do you have about saving money on homeowners insurance?

Contact Barb Bottitta for any and all of your Lehigh Valley area questions, as well as real estate needs, as I am always happy to help in any way that I can!  You can also connect with me on my Facebook Page for events and happenings in the Lehigh Valley area, as well as home ownership tips, real estate market updates, and so much more!

Here’s a look at the homes for sale in the Lehigh Valley.

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