Graduation is a time for reflection of the past years and the hard work that made it possible for your graduate to be heading into a whole new world.  It is important for them to take some time to remember and appreciate everything they have gone through to get to graduation day!

A graduation sentiment can be a gift, story, gathering, poem, or anything that brings your graduate nostalgic, tender, or emotional feelings about the milestone they’ve reached.  It’s not the monetary value of a gift that is important, it’s the reflection and appreciation of their hard work that is going to send them off with confidence and your support.

Excerpt from lovetoknow:

Sentimental gifts are ones that come from the heart. These are not necessarily the gifts with the biggest price tag, but the ones that say the most without saying anything at all. A heart-warming gift is a very personal choice. A family heirloom, hand-made picture frame, home movie, special treat or other unique gift will do the trick. For a higher price tag, a special piece of jewelry is nice gift that can be worn.

Whether your child is graduating from pre-k, high school, or college, a parent’s words of wisdom and thoughtful gestures will be remembered for a lifetime.

Excerpt from charactercounts:

Set goals and go after your dreams, but know that your ultimate happiness will depend not on your plans but your ability to cope with unexpected turns and unavoidable ups and downs. You may not get what you thought you wanted, but if you’re willing to adapt, you can get something even better.


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